
Sunday, January 1, 2017


The new science standards have been tough to maneuver this year.  One strand that kept coming up in each unit was a stem project.  Stem was very new to me but I decided, along with my 1st grade team to go for it.  In December we did a mini-unit on Nutcrackers.  We were taking the kids to go see the Nutcracker play and thought, why not do a lesson on nutcrackers.  But the best part of all was that the kids would be making a nutcracker at home with their families.  The results were amazing!  We told the that the nutcracker should be able to crack just a regular peanut or a gold fish (for those allergy classrooms).  The families went above and beyond.  We got some great responses back from our families.  

Here are some pictures!!!


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